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Tai-Chi Advanced Level

    LOCATION: Riverside Community Centre Main Room 8 Doreen Rogan Way South Morang. Mel 183 G12 DESCRIPTION: Tai Chi and Qiqong can help with one’s circulation, balance and alignment. They also help restore energy which we refer to as Chi or Qi. This is an excellent low impact moving/stationary meditation which is suitable for all levels of fitness and people with health conditions. These low impact exercises puts minimal stress on our muscles and joints. Doing these slow movements help improve and enhance one’s balance and muscle control. The postures flow together without pauses, making Tai Chi and Qiqong look like a graceful dance that keeps the body in constant motion and the mind in focus. This class covers: Lotus, 18 Steps Qiqong and 108 Form Yang Tai Chi.

    PREREQUISITE: Anyone is welcome and no experience is required. Just bring along patience, an enthusiasm to learn and of course commitment in order to reap the benefits of doing this class. Do wear comfort clothing and comfortable foot ware ( definitely no slippers and no heels) .

    Whittlesea U3A

    Teresa Wong

    Tue, 11:30am – 12:30pm
    Frequency: Wkly: Weekly Course

    31 Jan 2023 – 28 Nov 2023

    Riverside C C
    8 Doreen Rogen Way
    South Morang, VIC, 3752

    See map and details