DESCRIPTION: The sessions will be free including the registration and insurance. This activity is suitable for all abilities – young, old, people with walkers etc. so why not go and have a go. Numbers are limited and as it is open to other groups I would suggest you record your interest as soon as possible.
LOCATION: Mill Park Basketball Stadium, The Stables Mill Park
DESCRIPTION: The sessions will be free including the registration and insurance. This activity is suitable for all abilities – young, old, people with walkers etc. so why not go and have a go. Numbers are limited and as it is open to other groups I would suggest you record your interest as soon as possible.
DESCRIPTION: The sessions will be free including the registration and insurance. This activity is suitable for all abilities – young, old, people with walkers etc. so why not go and have a go. Numbers are limited and as it is open to other groups I would suggest you record your interest as soon as possible.